
SRA program mentor

Summer Research Academics Program, UC Santa Barbara , 2024

Mentored and guided high school students in the SRA program at UCSB, providing support in conducting machine learning research and coaching them to present their findings effectively.

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Undergraduate Courses, UC Santa Barbara

  • CS9: Intermediate Python Programming with Prof. Richert Wang, Summer’24 & 23/ Fall’23
  • CS130A: Data Structure and Algorithm I with Prof. Subhash Suri, Winter’23
  • CS165A: Artificial Intelligence with Prof. Xifeng Yan, Fall’22

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant

Undergraduate Courses, University of Tehran

  • Formal Languages and Automata with Prof. Hossein Hojjat, Fall’21 & 20/ Spring’20
  • Engineering Probability and Statistics with Prof. Mohammadreza Abolghasemi, Spring’21
  • Advanced Programming with Prof. Ramtin Khosravi, Fall’19 & Spring’20